Before You Hit the Record Button….

Before You Hit the Record Button….

As an avid podcast listener I’m fascinated at how the industry is growing. For me the fact that I can listen anywhere – on the train or bus, in the car, or in the kitchen while cooking – is a huge plus. Plus there’s the fact that so much information can be...
Make Video Your Goal for 2020

Make Video Your Goal for 2020

So it’s January and the New Year Resolutions are already being abandoned, right? Every early January I sit down with a sheet of paper and a pen,  and give some thinking time to the Goals I want to reach in the coming year for my business. It’s a good time – it’s...
It’s Been A Busy Year!

It’s Been A Busy Year!

It’s been a busy year here at Aileen O’Meara Media – we’re delighted to say! Thanks to everyone who has done business with us, from the video and media training to our video and podcasting work. We ‘re delighted with the feedback from clients who’ve availed of...
Making Sure your Videos are Seen

Making Sure your Videos are Seen

Most of the time, it takes time and planning to make a video. You have to think about what you want to say, where to say it, how to get the sound and framing right, and how to edit it. Mostly, you can do that within an hour or so when using your smartphone, and the...