Six Steps to Making a Heritage Week Promotional Video

Six Steps to Making a Heritage Week Promotional Video

Congratulations to everyone involved in Heritage Week, in particular the local volunteers, enthusiasts and Heritage Officers who help bring this great national event to life every year.

As someone who has produced audio Heritage Trails, and even led a group on a heritage walk, I know the excitement of having people interested in coming along to your event and hearing your insights and passion for your subject.

Now that you have your event in the planning phase, it’s also time to think about telling everyone about it.

TEN Steps to Making a Great Video Press Release

TEN Steps to Making a Great Video Press Release

Video is a powerful way to communicate with your audience, and is being increasingly used in social media, in education and in public relations.  In the same way, the tried-and-tested press release is a powerful way for PR and Communications teams to communicate with...