Report Writing – The Pyramid Way

What you’ll learn:

Writing reports for your business requires prioritising information and combining it in a smart, useful way for your audience to engage with quickly and be able to understand it and act on it. Finished reports should be accessible and easy to read.

The key skill to take from this course is to know how to avoid overwriting. Participants will learn how to prioritise the information they have gathered to produce their report. They will understand how to differentiate between key messages and supporting and additional material. They will also know how to combine the material into smart, sharp writing.

Who is the course for?

Anyone who needs to write and deliver reports, either individually or in teams. All levels of writing experience can be catered for.

Course Requirements

No specific requirements for individuals. The workshop option will require work to be submitted in advance to allow for preparation

How is the course delivered?

The course is available in person or online via Zoom. Duration is 1x 2.5 hours.

We also offer a workshop option, available for groups of up to six people, with an interactive Q&A format and focusing on an active ongoing report/document, giving specific, directed advice.

This option is available online and in person (subject to public health guidelines.)

    Susan O'Keeffe

    Susan O'Keeffe


    Susan O’Keeffe has extensive experience of both attending and chairing meetings and the training reflects this real-life experience. She has worked as a print and radio journalist, TV producer and director, and five years as a senator. She prepares and edits many reports and speeches and offers training in speechwriting. She is an experienced professional writer, across all styles and options.

    She also offers training in business and report writing and bespoke support and training for media appearances. She is also available for facilitating public consultations, team sessions and chairing meetings.

    She has trained with a wide range of clients including: NTMA, Siemens, KBC, Heritage Council, Acorn Insurance, Liberty Insurance, Alone, ComReg, CCPC, Legal Aid Board, FBD, UCC, UCD, TCD, UL, DCU.