We’re all accustomed to video meetings for business by now, right?

From a time when it was a rare thing to do, we all now know about sharing screens, muting our microphones and breakout rooms.

It’s amazing how quickly we have all adapted, from TV newsrooms to small businesses. 

It’s also amazing how many people – especially those in the public eye – have not gone to the trouble of trying to look well on camera when they are doing Zoom calls, especially for TV news. It’s almost like they forget they’re in public because they are coming from their spare rooms or kitchens in their homes.

This is a form of live TV whether you see it that way or not.

So here are some tips for those of you planning to or already doing Zoom meetings.

  1. BACKGROUND –Take some time to “stage” your background – remove the clutter, and put in some clues to your business if you can. Try not to broadcast from a cluttered kitchen;  if you have bookshelves in the background check what people are seeing. Books can give a lot away about you – good and bad.
  2. LIGHTING – really important. Ensure your face is looking into the light – don’t be in the silhouette of your window. Natural daylight looks well but strong sunlight can create a bleached effect.
  3. CONSIDER A WEBCAM – If you have the latest model of laptop you can look well via the laptop’s camera. If however you are doing lots of video interviews and training, or even TV news, consider a webcam. The Logitech C920 is the industry standard. Back in March it was out of stock everywhere, but there are some now available. Easy to mount on the top of your screen and it gives you a wider angle and better resolution.
  4. LOOK WELL – Go to the trouble of looking like you are at work even if you are at home. Makeup for women essential. Let’s not even begin to talk about hair.
  5. ANGLE –This is very important. Consider getting an inexpensive laptop stand to ensure your camera is at eye-line height. This means we are not looking up your nose ( a common angle), or the top of your head.
  6. FRAME THE SHOT – Ensure your head is fairly close to the top of the screen. Being too low down makes you look small and inconsequential. Don’t be afraid to look into that camera.


And enjoy. We’re missing the personal engagement of meetings but we are adapting. We’ve learnt so much in a short space of time and those who can adapt are those who will survive and thrive.

If you’re looking for more tips and tricks and further media training, contact [email protected] for a free estimate.